Senin, 03 Januari 2011

The Review Of Rumah Dara

Broadly speaking, Houses Dara tells about the most terrifying night of 6 people friend, Astrid Adjie and young couples who are blessed with happiness with the presence of children will be the first in their lives; Ladya Adjie brother, and Jimmy, Eko, and Nature. Adjie, Astrid, Jimmy, Eko, and Nature to travel to Bandung to be met in order to improve relations Ladya brothers who could not get along and as a forum to say good bye before Adjie and Astrid started a new life in Australia. On the way back to Jakarta, they met a beautiful girl named Maya who asked for assistance to be delivered to his house because it was just unfortunate robbery. And, not unexpectedly, it goodness their hearts in delivering Maya became a hell itself that causes one by one of them brutally murdered.
